The 21st Century American Conservative Populist Movement

Archive for the ‘Main Page’ Category

Obama Debates Himself on Single Payer Universal Health Care

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This is a close debate, however it’s clear that he manages to defeat himself in the end.

Just to recap: He’s for a single payer universal plan, however he’s never said he was. There’s a difference between the two, but they are the same thing.

And that’s what he’s trying to say. A single payer universal healthcare plan. And that’s what he’s for.

Got it?

Written by ericcvorst

August 13, 2009 at 4:20 am

Posted in Main Page

Ed Schultz: “They Want Obama to Get Shot”

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Is it wise to insinuate that conservative talk show hosts favor presidential assassination?

Dangerous talk.

Written by ericcvorst

August 13, 2009 at 4:19 am

Posted in The Gotcha Game

The Republic Reawakened

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Where are we heading as a country?  Who will be making the important decisions that directly affect our daily lives?  When did it become wrong for citizens to stand up and question their leaders in the public forum?  Why are we feeling as if our personal freedoms and liberties are in increasing danger?  What, if anything, can we do to stop it?  These are just some of the many questions Americans are beginning to ask themselves as their sense that “something just doesn’t feel right” grows stronger by the day.

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Written by ericcvorst

August 12, 2009 at 11:22 pm

Posted in Main Page

Opposition to Single-Payer System Grows

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On Monday, 8/10/09, Rasmussen reported that 57% of Americans oppose the single-payer health care system being proposed by Obama, while only 32% are in favor of such a system.  Further 52% believe this will result in a lower quality of care, while only 13% believe quality of care would improve.

Why do our politicians continue working towards forcing this bill through the legislative process?  Why are Democrats and major media outlets portraying open civilian protest against this bill as being contrived and “fake”?  It is clear that the more people have time to read the bill (available in HTML and PDF download, with summaries of key issues), the more opposition grows.  There is little doubt that it is for this reason alone that attempts were made to pass the current bill in only 2-3 weeks’ time.  As more citizens begin to learn the truth about what is in this bill, one can only hope that opposition continues to strengthen in volume and intensity.

While our politicians don’t have time to read the bill, we obviously do … and we should.

Written by ericcvorst

August 11, 2009 at 4:44 pm

Obama Decries “Boogeymen”

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In an attempt to save his stalling efforts to nationalize health care, President Obama has stepped up his rhetoric in the hopes of calming fears.  He’s seen the polls continue to crater, whether they are reflecting his personal popularity or public sentiment over his proposed health care plan.  It seems the only polls rising are those reflecting people who are happy with their current health care.  This should not come as a surprise, as the more people learn about the hidden gems in this 1,000+ page leviathan, the more they realize how far-reaching and permanent its effects will be on their personal freedoms and liberties.

Once again, he’s anchored one of his main arguments in a false dilemma: “What is truly scary is if we do nothing.”  Clearly, the vast majority of Americans agree that there are problems with our current health care system.  However, an increasing majority of Americans also agree that Obama’s solution would result in an outcome that is worse than what we currently have.  Further, they understand that there is a difference between fixing something and completely replacing it with something new.  They know that if you want to only want to remodel your living room, you don’t burn your house down and rebuild it from scratch.

In spite of the fact that Obama’s main impetus has been to scare Americans into action (see also: The Stimulus, Cap and Tax), he turns and levels charges of fearmongering against his opponents.  In one breath he will assert that it is “truly scary” if we do nothing, and in the next breath he will claim his opponents are attempting to “scare and mislead the American people.”  Does he not see that this empty argument could be reversed and still be as substantial?

“It is truly scary if we act too quickly and make too many vast changes to our health care system.  If you disagree, you’re simply trying to scare and mislead the American people.”

Further, he seeks to mischaracterize opposition to his proposals by calling them “wild misrepresentations that don’t bear any resemblance to anything that’s actually being proposed.” (emphasis added)  Let’s take a quick look at a couple of those “wild misrepresentations”:

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Written by ericcvorst

August 11, 2009 at 1:44 pm

What is “Conservative Populism”?

While there are differing understandings of each individual word, 21st-Century American Conservative Populism is best described through the following common definitions:

Con⋅serv⋅a⋅tism: disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

Pop⋅u⋅lism:  A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite.

Read More!

Written by ericcvorst

August 10, 2009 at 6:58 pm

Posted in Main Page